So about the whole dad situation. I grew up never having anything to do with my father. He is married and has two kids now. (three if you count me). I don't really understand the situation because he is very religious and seems to be a great person. I don't know how someone like that can have absolutely nothing to do with his own child. I have always sent him invitations for everything i have ever done, birthdays, graduation, baby shower, every birthday party we have had for Jaycee. Its amazing to me that it could not bother him at all to know he has a grandchild, a second one on the way and he has NOTHING to do with them. I don't get it. It has been really hard for me growing up, my sister has had things to do with her dad's side of the family. I was always so sad when we were younger when she would go do things with them, because I didn't have anyone like that. I don't get it. Sometimes it bothers me too because Jaycee doesn't have a grandfather. My dad could be one but he doesn't choose too, Jesse's dad passed away and he would kill to be involved in her life i'm sure. After having children I can't imagine not seeing them.
Golf 2021 ⛳️ Freshman
I love wathcing him play.
I appreciate the time spent watching him on the course with the chance
to give him encouragment if he looks my way.
It doesn't co...
3 years ago